Testimonials from US & Canada

Alberta Canada – Hello Scott, My pup out of Bergs Premium Blend is doing exceptionally well. Our first sharptail hunt was last weekend and she did great, pointing and holding her birds until I flushed and she hunted hard. She is all I could ask for at 8 months of age. Cheers Des
N.B. Canada – Scott, I am so pleased with my English Setter Maddie. She will hunt and point birds for me all day long. She has great style, retrieves like you wouldn’t believe, and is great with our children. She has been a real pleasure to own. I have guided with her for two years now and have received the nicest compliments about her from sports all over the world. I will be calling you again when it comes time to add to our family of setters. Chris Munn – Fredericton Outfitters & Anglers Ltd. N.B.
Newfoundland – Scott as you can see in the photos, Zorro has been doing some hunting. Look closely at the pictures of him pointing and you can see blood on his feet. He did not back off one bit. The second day was a full 8 hrs and he hunted hard right back to the Argo. Once he gets tough feet that can hold up to our country he will be a machine. Ken Dinn
Newfoundland – Scott, These pictures may give you some feedback on the success of your breeding program. These pictures were taken less than 24 hours after this 9 week old pup travelled thousands of miles from Minnesota to Newfoundland. He had less than 24 hours to recover from the trip and already has the confidence, physical stamina and health to adapt immediately. Needless to say, I am delighted! Thanks, Roy Coffin
Alabama – Scott, Attached are photos of Jake and a friends pointers. Jake is 9 months in this photo. I am very pleased with him. He is very steady on point and backing. Retrieves good also. Jake has a great nose and he’s all business. He has great stamina too. I have probably killed 50+ birds over him this season and several hunters have asked where I got him. I may want another pup soon. Best Wishes, Jackie.
Arkansas – Scott, I got Jack so I could bring my own dog along when my Dad and I go hunting. Turns out, Jack is best dog on our string, and pretty much anybody else’s we’ve hunted with. He runs a beautiful pattern, he’s a great bird finder, adapt hus range to the cover, has a picturesque point, and he’s a true pleasure to hunt with. He’s 3 now, and has been to TX, KS, OK, and MT finding birds. All the impressive hunting stuff aside, Jack is a great running buddy, and an even better house dog. Looking forward to my next pup from you guys! Anna J. Ramsay, Little Rock, AR
Arizona – Scott I wanted to let you know that Jack is everything that I could have hoped for. He is extremely stylish on point and very animated and classy running. He runs very hard and will not quit, even in this tough Arizona terrain and heat. Most importantly at a young age he has proven to be a great bird dog; handling these difficult Gambels quail like a seasoned pro. Thank you for putting so much thought and effort into your breeding program it is very evident in the end result. Sean Slawson, AZ
California – Scott & Ben, Jett has fit right in here. He has done well adjusting to the temperature, from the first quail hunt in 100 degree weather to this last weekends chukar hunt in the teens. His smooth gait has given him the ability to hunt for hours in the desert country east of here. His feet hold up very well in the rocky terrain that we hunt. At 9 months old, this Saturday he covered 15 miles giving us several points and hunting hard all the way to the truck. He is a real pleasure to watch. Thanks. John Taylor, CA
Colorado – Scott & Ben, Just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with Remi. He’s hunted Blue Grouse in the Rocky Mountain Foothills and on pheasant in SoDak and Colorado. Yesterday, I hunted with 4 buddies and a guide and the guide kept telling me how great Remi will be. His 1st birthday is still a few weeks away.
Yesterday, he started to retrieve consistently without any training. His best qualities are an incredible nose, locks up and holds on points, and he is simply gorgeous to watch in the field and is a loving house pet who really wants to please. I have to tell you guys, you have produced a dog just like your website says. Please don’t ever stray from your breeding philosophy. You can use any this email and my name as a testimony on your website or elsewhere. You guys are the real deal. Keep it up. Jeff Spadafora, CO
Iowa – Berg Brothers, Just wanted to send a few pictures of Colby. We shot 40+ birds shot over his points this season. He is a natural backer, and has been keeping up with 4-5 year old shorthairs and he is only 9 months old out of Abby and Jack. He is a fabulous dog. Thanks Again, Curtis Whited, IA
Georgia – Scott, Just wanted to let you know we love the male Setter we got from you. I like his adaptable range, his independence, loves to retrieve, great running and pointing style, won’t quit, good nose, personable, lot of pointing and backing instinct. In others words he was my hands down favorite dog. This dog is just loving life. Rad Yaeger, GA Idaho – Scott, our Setter is now 10 months old. She already has a ton of style, class, endurance, and runs an efficient running pattern. She has a great nose, points solid, retrieves and can go for 4-5 hours without being fatigued or showing any loss of enthusiasm. She’s so lethal already that it almost feels like it should be illegal using her. Dean Lapinel, ID
Illinois – Scott, Our Jack & Klassy pup is doing great. At 5 mos she is progressing rapidly. She is holding point, retrieving to hand, and is a natural backer. That is about all the farther I take a young dog the first year. I like to put them on a lot of wild birds the first year before I break them all the way out. So, I will just be keeping her freshened up till season gets here. She also seems to take the heat very well. Thanks! Scot Wolf, IL
Kansas – Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the setter I purchased. He has a wonderful disposition and is making a great housedog. My wife told me when we got him he would be an outside dog, but guess what? When I come home guess who’s in the house? Last week a friend of mine and I went on a combined pheasant and quail hunt. We shot 20 birds over Jake and he retrieved 17 in a row. Totally awesome. He is doing a nice job pointing as well. Not bad for a 9 month old pup. Anyway, just wanted you to know you have a very satisfied customer. Thanks. Tom Bethell Colby, KS
Maine – Hi Scott, I thought you might be interested to hear about Scooter which is an appropriate for her. She is 3 now and just a fantastic bird finder and rarely bumps a bird. She is deadly on woodcock and was very good on grouse this year. My friend uses her to guide when he has special clients come up. His dogs just are not as good as Scooter. She also loves the house and the couch in my game room. Thanks for a great dog. Henry Travers
Missouri – “Sassy” is hands down the nicest setter I have ever owned. She is incredibly classy, short to medium range foot hunting dream. There is virtually no handling at all required to run her. Just start walking the field and she will work it perfectly in front of you. Shawn Eisenhower
Montana – Scott and Ben, I just returned from California taking in the last two weeks of their quail season. Dutch and Juno continue to progress in their abilities and expand their repertoire of birds and habitat. Both dogs show wonderful stamina, great nose and often times breathtaking style. We should be well on our way for the 2011 trial season. Juno was named the Montana Dog of the year and was the 2010 Region 14 Shooting Derby Dog of the Year. Thanks to the both of you for your passion in breeding and providing such wonderful dogs to people across the country. Tim Owen, Bozeman, MT
New Hampshire – Hey Scott, I haven’t been in touch for a while but I wanted to let you know how much we love Daisey. She is unbelievable as a house pet and everyone who meets her falls in love. I couldn’t be happier. She has great drive, stamina, style around birds, and is already mostly broke. Last month we went to Maine on a grouse and woodcock hunt and had a blast. With only one dog we had to use her more than I would have liked but she was up to it. We averaged 10 mi/day by GPS for 4 days in tough cover and she was still digging birds out at sunset the last day. She just never stopped working hard Here are a couple of real life pics of her in action. Thanks again and I’ll be in touch as I’d like to get another pup started before too long. Elliott Shanklin, ME
New Jersey – Scott and Ben, At not quite a year old our Berg Bros pup Max has demonstrated tons of natural ability as well as being a real pleasure in the house. He’s smart as a whip, biddable and is great around birds with very little training. He just went to a pro trainer two weeks ago who tells me if he didn’t know better he’d seem ready to break! With the kind of natural ability and drive he’s showing and his manners in the house I believe you’ve matched us up beautifully with this pup. Dennis McFeely
North Carolina – Scott and Ben thanks for developing a great line of gun dogs. The line bred Jack male I have is not quite two years old and is easily the best dog I’ve ever had at that age, and I have had quite a few. What is even more remarkable is that he does it all with ultimate class and naturally. I have done very little training, just get him in some birds and let the genetics take over. So, it’s really exciting that the one year old female out of Jack and Classy is probably going to be even better. She has a terrific nose , covers the ground and already knows how to find birds. She is really staunch on point and handles like a dream. And, they are not just great in the field but also great companions. Again thanks for these dogs. Dan Price
Oregon – Scott, as you know, I got two pups from different sires and dams. My plan was to work them both until I decided which one met my family, hunting and trialing needs the best, then sell one as a started dog. The problem was, both were just fantastic dogs, and I struggled until they were almost two before I could decide. Fortunately, one of my good friends wanted one, and I still get to hunt with the two of them.
I have had nothing but a great time with the two pups. Both were easy to train, have an incredible amount of drive, are great in the house, and have awesome personalities. The one I kept was completely broke by 14 months, loves to retrieve, backs like he’s pointing, is a great wild bird dog and adjusts his range as needed, and has had very good success in several different trial formats. My wife and I couldn’t be more pleased. Steve Skipworth, OR
Pennsylvania – Scott, Bella did a great job at the NAVHDA NA Test last weekend. She has a great nose and a very strong pointing instinct. She has become very comfortable in the water and will swim for hours. She is also good at tracking…unfortunately ground scenting conditions were very poor during the test this past weekend.
Overall I am very pleased with her scores. She had maximum scores in all the right places (pointing, desire, search, water). She has a very good quartering pattern and comfortable foot-range that should suite Larry and Linda very well. I look forward to her additional advances training and running her at the higher levels. Also, forgot to mention she was the youngest dog to run all weekend, and had the fifth highest score of all the dogs tested. Curt Fry, Slamming Point Kennel
South Carolina – Scott, Progress continues with the pup – I put her on wild pheasants for the first time this past week. She bumped the first three contacts and after that nailed about 6 in a row including several small “coveys” of hens. While they hold better than many pheasants – I think that is pretty awesome for her first pheasant hunt. Tom Roller, SC
South Dakota – I cannot say enough about the natural talent of my Belle dog. Outside of putting her in training situations and the field last fall I can take no credit for such a polished little dog. She pointed rock-solid on her second exposure to birds, retrieved and backed naturally and has all the athleticism I could ever want in a dog. All of the field work is great; however, her personality tops it all. If you are looking for a classy, intelligent setter I would strongly recommend Berg Bros. Joe Spoo, DVM
Tennessee – The pup is doing great, well socialized, been around lots of people and dogs. He is by far the best social and loving dog I have ever had as he adopted my whole family and only last night spent his first night by himself in the kennel. In the house he wants to be with you constantly, outside he could care less. He loves to point and seems to have a lot of natural instinct to back. He seems to be very intelligent, he had one accident in the house the first night home and never has since. I tell him NO 1 time and he understands. I am very well pleased. Thanks. Kenny Evans Greenback, TN
Texas – Update on lucky Jack. He is doing great! Without a doubt better than any dog I’ve had at his age. He weighs almost 40lbs and ranges 100yards I’ve put him on pen raised quail twice and he has been perfect on his points with no influence from me. Today he winded a bird from 20 yards and pointed solid. He plays with my kids like he’s a brother! Thanks! GS
Utah – Scott, I only trialed Zoey 4 or 5 times a year but She won the Utah Regional CH in 2008. Last year she won high point dog of the Year award. She only lacks one placement away from being a field champion. She is the total package and the best dog I’ve ever owned. Rich Lowe, Payson UT
Wisconsin – Scott, Bandit is by far the most talented pup I have ever had! At 9 months, he is naturally backing Tessa. The backing is completely instinctive. His nose is better than any dog I have ever had or been around at that age. I though Tessa had a good nose when she was young, but at this point think Bandit will be better. His desire to hunt & not play in the field is unlike any dog I have ever hunted with. I am completely pleased. Lynn Lentz
Virginia – Scott, I have two dogs out of Berg Brothers Gabby. They have great style, terrific nose’s and work very hard when I am hunting them. I have guided with Lady for 2 Years now and she is a fantastic dog. She loves to hunt in the woods and nothing gets in here way, whether it be briars or a pile of brush. I have a lot of people comment on how well she hunts and they love to watch her work. Casey is younger and I just started using here some this year when I Guide. She is starting to have the same ability as Lady. I am very well pleased. Thanks. Alan Williams, Carrsville, VA
Wyoming – In the past 7 years I have purchased 3 dogs from Berg Brothers Setters. I have found that all three dogs have had exceptional hunting ability and have provided me with excellent companionship. I have found Ben and Scott’s evaluation of the dogs to be very honest and the have the ability to match the dog to your type of hunting. Kevin Hampleman